I'm sitting in Heathrow airport in the lovely Plaza lounge enjoying breakfast and free wifi. It's 5:30 am and I'm heading to Krakow for 24 hours to meet the #Hadassah Fellows. The past 3 days in London have been a whirlwind of seeing friends and sight seeing. I'm thinking ahead to Poland with lots of trepidation so I'll leave you with my impressions of London and the English people and my photos, more to come tonight or tomorrow.
Impressions: Lots of people here smoke They have people to help you at the Tube with any questions There are over 45 Kosher restaurants in London The houses are really close together (but lovely) It's clearly a Christian state Apparently Charles is still the heir to the throne but will probably politely decline the position for Will and Kate I saw a judge in the High court wearing a wig The architecture is amazing- old and beautiful juxtaposed with modern glass The bridges are amazing too! There's quite a gory history within the monarchy of people being publicly beheaded Brexit is on everyone's mind- should England leave the European Union? And all Brits wanted to know what I think about Trump!
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